Remembering & Honoring Today

Memorial Day Precious Moments & Memories ❤🤍💙

Remembering those who served and those who are serving. This may be a painful time for you today due to the loss of a loved one/ones, keep their love deep within your heart.
This may be a day that you see your father/mother, son/daughter, sister/brother, husband/wife, boyfriend/girlfriend, uncle/aunt or someone else in your life for the first time in a long while, know that your love is the greatest that they treasure.
This may be a day that you celebrate with other family members and friends, remember the beautiful memories, the precious moments, the unconditional love, joy, laughter, happiness, funny jokes, or funny moments, caring so deep, the phone calls & letters shared, the holidays shared one way or another, and so much more of the happy memories.

Remembering those who served and are serving; can be a very delicate time today for one loss or several losses within your family. When talking to another, come from a place of purelove, you have no idea what they are feeling, their hearts may be hurting and open wide. You have no idea whether they have lost others due to several perspectives of things going on around the Globe. Honor their feelings, even if they are not wanting to talk to you right now. Honor the day, today is and the beautiful light shining through of absolute love.

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