I Don’t Work, I Flow With My Soul’s Calling & What I Absolutely Love To Do

Ever have several people who are supposed to be friends or family ask you did you get a J.O.B yet? Meaning did you get what a lot of people consider the 40/40/40 position? Which for certain people that is their desire and others choose to go after what our 💞 & soul’s calling is; being an instrument of Spirits Will, sharing your gifts, resources and solving problems in other ways healing, volunteering, book writing, acting, Speaking, Podcasts, Retreats etc.

My explanation is that what I do… I no longer consider it work. Especially when you are following your heart, SOUL, intuition, HIGHERSELF, inner little girl, the nudges from Spirit in this lifetime. When you are no longer thinking of what is in it for #MEONLY and how can I serve & solve problems for others.

By sharing valuable information, resources, stories that by reading it; you help someone else or tons of people, you share your experiences, thoughts, your journey from where you were to how far you have come to Breakthrough (trauma, blocks, fears, family curses/blackmagic), ebooks/books, likes of music or health products or services that you have. You share whatever it is within you …you feel will help another. Solving problems I look at it as, will this or that solve another’s problems within their lives or someone they know.

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