Valentine’s Day Message

While you celebrate Valentines Day today, are you also celebrating #PureLove that you have for yourself and Source/God/Spirit flowing through you, for you and with you? 

This year has awakened so many of you and some of you are in the process of awakening or there are some that seem unsure of their awakening/nudges or what you’re heart & soul is calling you to. That is within time and space, there is no reason to feel alone. Although you may feel that way. 

There is no reason to feel unloved, although there is so much judgment, haters, nonbelievers, Narcissist behaviors, DebbieDowners, and others that are going through their own past traumatic experiences or what it is for them and there is judgment towards a lot of people.

Including having no idea what a person’s story or background is or anything else about them. Remember you are loved no matter what you do or say or think or believe. What others think about you is their own ideas, their own upbringing/programming etc. It has nothing to do with you, when it is hurtful or unspeakable. Love yourself anyway! 

Take today to really, truly and actually look within your heart and soul. Does your heart and soul desire you to keep holding onto what no longer serves you? Does your heart and soul desire you to hold onto past traumatic experiences? Does your heart and soul desire you to keep listening to people and things that are unhealthy? Does your heart and soul desire you to heal, let go, forgive, love, trust and believe? Does your heart and soul desire you to go follow your own gifts, talents, abilities, strengths, passions and being an instrument of service to others? Does your heart and soul desire you to listen to the nudges, the signs, the signals, the messages, the omens or anything else that is for you? 

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